Take This to the Beach

Add this playlist to your beach bag!

What should you pack for your next trip to your favorite ocean, lake or swimming hole? Our suggestions include: odd stacks of magazines (tabloids permitted), totally absorbing mysteries, dizzying love stories... plus high quality sunscreen (of course!), a beach ball, many, delicious snacks and now - this Third Coast playlist.

Our contribution to your day at the beach is full of intrigue, improbable love, strange characters & juicy plot developments... perfect for the sand & the scorching sun!

Dr. Phil

In the wake of a break-up, writer Starlee Kine finds so much comfort in break-up songs that she tries to write one herself, even though she has no musical ability whatsoever.

Where's Richard?

On February 15, 2014 Richard Simmons didn’t show up to teach the exercise class he had led for 40 years - and he hasn't been seen in public since.