What the World Needs Now

In honor of Valentines Day 2017.
Because nothing, ever, beats a love story. We recommend you share this playlist with someone who gives you butterflies.

Hard to Say
State park ranger Ed Werler lives alone in a quiet, isolated area of Maine. At the age of 90, Ed reflects on his second marriage, revealing a relationship characterized by love, loyalty, and uncertainty.
- 2004
- 05:57
- Bente Birkland

At a Loss for Words
"I want to turn you inside out and fold you into a tiny square..." Sometimes the word 'love' just doesn't sum up how we feel about someone.
- 2016
- 21:56
- Mira Burt-Wintonick
- Cristal Duhaime

This Senator Saved My Love Life
You have to give it to some elected representatives — they really will respond to the letters you send.
- 2014
- 24:39
- Anna Sale

Special Feature: Easy Love
This week on Re:sound, a powerful story of love and loss... plus an interview with Australian producer Jaye Kranz
- 2014
- 17:54
- Jaye Kranz
- Dennis Funk

Here I Am and Here Be Danger
Here I Am and Here Be Danger is a non-narrated experiment in heartbreak.
- 2014
- 11:45
- Annie McEwen

Finding Emilie
While in college, Alan fell hard for a fellow art student, Emilie.
- 2011
- 19:58
- Jad Abumrad
- Robert Krulwich
- Soren Wheeler

Love is Sweet Among Non-Human Animals
Love is delicious; love is disgusting.
- 2013
- 02:56
- Liz Wason

The Ground We Lived On
The Ground We Lived On documents the loving relationship between journalist Adrian Nicole LeBlanc and her father, Adrian Leon LeBlanc, in the last months of his life.
- 2007
- 11:33
- David Isay
- Adrian Nicole LeBlanc