Jay Allison
Jay Allison (@jay_allison) has been an independent public radio producer, journalist, and teacher since the 1970s.
His work has won most of the major broadcasting awards, including six Peabodys. He produces The Moth Radio Hour and was the curator of This I Believe on NPR. He has also worked in print for the New York Times Magazine and as a solo-crew reporter for ABC News Nightline, and is a longtime proponent of building community through story. Through his non-profit organization, Atlantic Public Media, he is a founder of Transom.org The Public Radio Exchange, PRX.org, and WCAI, the public radio station for Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, and Cape Cod where he lives with his family.
Nubar Alexanian and his 14-year-old daughter Abby examine how his tinnitus and her hearing loss have affected their lives and shaped their relationship.
The Vietnam Tapes of Lance Corporal Michael A. Baronowki presents the recovered tapes of a young marine who kept an audio diary of his war experience in Vietnam until his death.
Writer Margy Rochlin wonders why her family is selling her grandmother's house in Arizona.
This hour: families wrestling with love and loyalty.
This hour: hauntings of war, ethereal recordings, and other ghosts of Vietnam.
This hour: Food. It's delicious. It's complicated.
This hour: the delicate interdependence between being in need and answering the call to help.
This hour: journeys to the far north, the moon, and other places near and far.
This hour: a seismic shift in a man's identity, a bad dog who refuses to change, and more.
This hour: we're diving into the archives and rewinding our way to the 1970s and 80s, sampling some of the fascinating, strange, and hilarious work that was produced when public radio was a medium without a real template.
This hour, the story of how a one event affected a woman, her family and the criminal justice system.
The story of a terrible crime and everything that followed.
This hour we're listening to some of the winners of our annual documentary competition.
This hour: producers and sound artists go to the audio playground and remix to their heart's content.
Without further ado... here are the eleven extraordinary stories reflect the finest work in the narrative audio industry & push the boundaries of audio storytelling, selected by these 20 judges, and in the categories of... Best New Artist, Radio Impact, Best News Feature, Audio Unbound, Best Documentary: Short, Best Documentary: Non-English Language, Best Serialized Story, Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze), and Directors’ Choice:
Saidu Tejan-Thomas is a young poet. For a long time, he had a story he needed to tell: an homage and apology to his mother.
What inspires those who inspire us? Seasoned producer Jay Allison shares work that inspired him a long time ago and inspires him today, work that contains a healthy measure of invention and play -- key ingredients of creativity, even in a serious world.
This panel, moderated by Melissa Giraud, brings together two producers (Jay Allison and Elizabeth Meister) who were among the first in public radio and audio production to bring their innovation to the Internet, for a conversation about translating radio stories onto the Web and creating new art forms altogether.
For the 2004 ShortDocs Challenge, we asked producers to submit ideas for stories about "darkness."
Jay Allison leads a discussion about the ways in which documentarians must be skilled in the art of trespassing...
November 1-3, Chicago
2004 Third Coast Conference
October 31-November 2, Chicago
October 26-27, Holiday Inn, Chicago