Re:sound #168 The 2012 ShortDocs Show
This hour: Gwen Macsai and Julie Shapiro spin some of our favorite stories from the 2012 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge.
2012 / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: Gwen Macsai and Julie Shapiro spin some of our favorite stories from the 2012 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge.
Miracle in Gray and White
by Katie Klocksin
The Purple-Spotted Sock
by Sigrid Saabye
On The Day I Died It Was Mostly Blues
by Alix Blair
Yellow Bellied White Woman Fights The Blues (SAT 11-5)
by Jane Cramer
A Silent Tornado. A Long, Black Night
by Mary Helen Miller
Black and White and Read All Over
by Julie Shapiro
Man With A Blue Truck
by Eve Abrams
Crown The King: Red Takes Black
by Adam Kampe
Red, White and Bruised
by John Musto and Brian Barnhart Jr.
Glass Not Glitter
by Abby Wendle
The Red, White and Blue Bus
by Luke Eldridge
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Katie Mingle.
produced by

Katie Klocksin is an independent radio producer living in Chicago. Her work has aired on several stations and podcasts, including 99% Invisible, the Transom podcast, and WBEZ.
Sigrid Saabye is a PhD student in Arts, Culture and Media at Aarhus University in Denmark and former intern at a Danish current affairs radio talk show.

Alix Blair (@axablair) is an independent audio producer, photographer, and documentary filmmaker.

Jane Cramer is a radio producer, musician, and audiobook narrator living in Brooklyn, NY. Along with radio and music, she makes lunch, mistakes, breakfast, jokes and dinner.
Mary Helen Miller lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and is a producer at the NPR affiliate station WUTC. She started producing radio stories last fall as a student at the Transom Story Workshop in Woods Hole, MA. She graduated from Bowdoin College in 2009 as an art and art history major.

Julie Shapiro (@jatomic) is the executive producer of Radiotopia from PRX - a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven podcasts. She is also the executive producer of Ear Hustle .

Eve Abrams first fell in love with stories listening to her grandmother tell them; it's been an addiction ever since.
Adam Kampe tripped and fell into audioland about 10 years ago as a volunteer at WPFW in Washington, DC.

John Musto lives in Pilsen neighborhood in Chicago. He makes a living as a Union Electrician and is also a woodworker and furniture enthusiast.
Brian Barnhart Jr lives in Portage Park, Chicago. He is a digital artist of all sorts. He lives life by being creative.

Abby Wendle is an associate producer at Invisibilia.
Luke Eldridge is a first-time producer from the UK who found his calling with the 2012 ShortDocs Challenge.

Katie Mingle (@katiemingle) is the senior editor and a producer for 99% Invisible.