The Aftermath, Inc., headquarters is nestled in a strip of ordinary office buildings in the Chicago suburbs, but there's nothing bland about the service the company provides.
2008 / Laura Kwerel / Nick van der Kolk / Love & Radio, USA
The Aftermath, Inc., headquarters is nestled in a strip of ordinary office buildings in the Chicago suburbs, but there's nothing bland about the service the company provides.
Tim Reifsteck, the founder of Aftermath, Inc., makes his living cleaning up after accidents, murders, and suicides. Much more than a cleaning job, working at Aftermath, Inc., gives Tim a glimpse into the darkest corners of human life.
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Laura Kwerel is the senior producer of Interfaith Voices, a public radio show about religion. She loves the possibilities that come with covering a subject so meaningful to people. She has interned at WBUR, freelanced for WBEZ, and attended radio boot camp at Duke's Center for Documentary Studies. Prior to radio, Kwerel studied psychology and film at the College of William and Mary. She is also the creator of the Voicemail Project, a collection of weird/funny/sentimental messages left on other people's phones.
Nick van der Kolk (@nickvdk) is a radio producer, sound designer, and events organizer whose work has aired on numerous radio outlets worldwide.