Re:sound #252 Analog
This hour, three stories from the annals of analog.
2018 / TCF / 91.5 WBEZ, USA

This hour, three stories from the annals of analog.
Second Side Up
By David Waters with Asst. Producer Robbie MacInnes and Exec Producer Francesca Panetta for Between the Ears on BBC Radio 3 (2017)
For over four decades, Mark Talbot recorded scenes from his life and used them to create a cassette radio show, which he called Second Side Up. Complete with music, interviews and phone-ins, Second Side Up sounded like professional work, but not a single episode was ever broadcast. The tapes were distributed to a tiny network of friends and family, a unique correspondence that came to define Mark's life.
The resulting archive of tapes is a unique autobiography in radio-show format.
Cassette From My Ex [Excerpt]
by Joe Decault for 91.5 WBEZ Chicago (2009)
That mix tape you received from an ex.
By Damon Krukowski, Max Larkin and Ian Coss for Ways of Hearing from Radiotopia’s Showcase
Contemplate the way digital audio – in music recording, and in radio and television broadcast – employs a different sense of time than we use in our offline life, a time that is more regular and yet less communal.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Dennis Funk.
Music for Re:sound is provided by Patient Sounds, a private press record label and book publisher in Chicago... and they release almost exclusively on cassette tapes.
Anitek, 'Recall'
jaspertine, 'Post Rock Improv'
Naps, 'Some'
Ben Varian, 'Contemplation of Nothing Serious or Bum Lake in the Dark in the Good Old Summertime'
Ben Varian, 'Swamp'
Naps, 'In'
Naps, 'Nope'
Thompost, 'Phor'
produced by

David Waters is an audio documentary maker from London. His work has been broadcast in the UK, US and Australia for the BBC, ABC, NPR, the Guardian and others."

Joe DeCeault is an award winning producer living in Chicago.

Damon Krukowski is the author of The New Analog: Listening and Reconnecting in a Digital World and is a musician with the band Damon & Naomi.

Max Larkin is a multimedia reporter for Edify, WBUR's education vertical.

Ian Coss is a music scholar and performer based in Boston.

Dennis Funk was formerly Third Coast's senior producer.