The Audible Picture Show
Matt Hulse presents short audio works by a diverse range of inventive audio artists and filmmakers, created specifically for "a darkened cinema."
Matt Hulse presents short audio works by a diverse range of inventive audio artists and filmmakers, created specifically for "a darkened cinema."
The result of this simple experiment is a unique and entertaining experience that gives the mind's eye a welcome stretch. Hulse explores the origin, structure, techniques, and impact of the works presented.
Matt Hulse's work crosses boundaries between film, animation, performance, and audio art. His films have screened worldwide and been recognized with several awards, including the best short film at the Transmediale Festival in Berlin. The Audible Picture Show is his second outing as a curator of collections of audio works, the first being the bizarre Sound of Loozak: audio works destined for public lavatories. He is director of the Deaf Focus Film Festival, DJ at the HOBOKLUB and a part-time teacher at the Edinburgh College of Art.