The Audio Guide to Grieving

Sometimes, a death in the family means cousins and casseroles. And sometimes — for one reason or another — it means figuring it out on your own.

2018 / Melanie Kruvelis / Love Me, CAN

Sometimes, a death in the family means cousins and casseroles. And sometimes — for one reason or another — it means figuring it out on your own.

While questioning your grieving process is normal (should I be crying more? Is it too soon to wear a halter top?), the doubt can be heightened when you're grieving an estranged family member. In this 10-minute audio tour, a grieving daughter walks you through navigating the loss of an absence, and offers suggestions for creating your own ceremony; more tips can be found in an accompanying pamphlet on DIY grief and this Google Map.

The Audio Guide to Grieving was written by Melanie Kruvelis and produced by Mira Burt-Wintonick, Cristal Duhaime, and Sarah Geis for Love Me.

produced by

Melanie Kruvelis

Melanie Kruvelis is a writer, producer, and advocate based in New York.

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