Chain of Missing Links - 8
Incorporating fictional and non-fictional elements, this is the story of a stripper, a carpenter in drag, a house wife and their chain of interactions.
2010 / Andrew Parsons / TCF, USA

Incorporating fictional and non-fictional elements, this is the story of a stripper, a carpenter in drag, a house wife and their chain of interactions.
Produced for the 2010 TCF ShortDocs Challenge: Book Odds.
produced by
Andrew Parsons is originally from a small town outside of Scranton, PA. After graduating from college, he taught through Teach For America and was inspired by the complicated nature of the school system to document the issues of New York charter schools. Since then, he's independently produced lots of radio pieces and is behind the podcast Radio Waves. He's a New York City kindergarten teacher by trade but has recently decided to blindly jump into the world of professional radio.
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