Crown the King: Red Takes Black

2012 ShortDocs Winner! One block from Adam Kampe's apartment sits the Capitol Pool Checkers Club where, each week, men with nicknames like the Hammer, the Pressure Man, and the Razor gather to trash talk over heated games of checkers.

2012 ShortDocs Challenge: BlockDocs

2012 / Adam Kampe / TCF, USA

2012 ShortDocs Winner! One block from Adam Kampe's apartment sits the Capitol Pool Checkers Club where, each week, men with nicknames like the Hammer, the Pressure Man, and the Razor gather to trash talk over heated games of checkers.

Read more about Adam's ShortDocs experience, Behind the Scenes.

produced by

Adam Kampe

Adam Kampe tripped and fell into audioland about 10 years ago as a volunteer at WPFW in Washington, DC.

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