D Minor: The Ice Queen
If D minor were a person, who would she be?
2013 / Denise Ball / Paolo Pietropaolo / CBC, CANADA
If D minor were a person, who would she be?
According to producer Paolo Pietropaolo, D minor is part femme fatale and part vengeful vamp - "sexy and mysterious, with a glint in her dark, sultry eyes."
Yes, that's a music tonality Pietropaolo is describing. In fact, D minor's just one of the many keys he and Denise Ball have personified by weaving together colorful descriptions, pop culture, and epic classical compositions. Get to know D minor, and you'll never hear her the same again...
D minor: The Ice Queen was produced by Pietropaolo with Denise Ball for the Signature Series on CBC Music. Find links to other signature portraits and Season Two, and read more about how Pietropoalo discerns a key's gender, Behind the Scenes. (Plus find out which key signature Third Coast would be!)
produced by
Denise Ball has spent over two decades working with some of the world's finest musicians and broadcasters.
Paolo Pietropaolo is a freelance producer, broadcaster and composer based in Vancouver, Canada.