Re:sound #179 The Dreams Show
This week: dreams and dreamers of all kinds - lucid, fictional, public and elusive.
2013 / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This week: dreams and dreamers of all kinds - lucid, fictional, public and elusive.
Dream Bed
by Sean Cole (Studio 360, 2005)
Dreams are intensely personal. But since we all dream, might there be an aspect of dreaming that could be communal? Artist Marina Abramovic believes there is, so she created an installation in the Rose Museum in Boston and then invited people to sleep in it.
by Joe Frank (Unfictional, 2012)
The work of Joe Frank is dark, unpredictable and often, hilarious. His story "Dreamers" is more like an M.C Escher drawing than a traditional tale and leaves you questioning the blurry line between dreams and reality.
The Lucid Dreamers
by Neva Grant (360documentaries, ABC, 2012)
How wonderful would sleep be, if we could control our dreams? As it turns out, many people say this is possible, and YouTube is filled with how-to videos. American producer Neva Grant explored this phenomenon of lucid dreaming while living in Australia.
by Nate DiMeo (The Memory Palace, 2012)
Amusement parks have always been places where the stuff of your wildest dreams can be lived out. So it's not a surprise that New York's Coney Island, which once boasted three competing parks, named one of them Dreamland.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Katie Mingle.
produced by
Neva Grant has been working in radio as a producer, reporter, editor and director for more than forty years - if you count high school.

Sean Cole (He/Him) is a supervising producer and occasional guest host at This American Life.

Joe Frank (1938 - 2018) began his radio career in 1976 at WBAI, Pacifica's New York station, and served as co-anchor of NPR's All Things Considered in the show's early days.

Nate DiMeo is the creator of The Memory Palace, a 2016 Peabody Award finalist. The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX. Nate is the Artist in Residence at The Metropolitan Museum of Art for 2016/2017. He lives in Los Angeles.