Re:sound #41: The Dry vs. the Moist Show
This hour: the captivating results of a transcontinental radio collaboration.
2006 / Sherre DeLys / Rick Moody / Chris Abrahams / Russell Stapleton / Sarah Varney / Paul Frey / Roman Mars / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: the captivating results of a transcontinental radio collaboration.
The Dry vs. the Moist
by Sherre DeLys, Rick Moody, Chris Abrahams, and Russell Stapleton (Radio Eye, ABC, 2006)
A mix of fiction, fantasy, and fact, The Dry vs. the Moist is a unique intercontinental collaboration between three artists: American writer Rick Moody, Australian sound artist Sherre DeLys, and pianist Chris Abrahams. The resulting assemblage includes seven short stories ranging far and wide in both style and subject matter, but still revealing consistencies between between two different places and two very different environments.
by Sarah Varney and Paul Frey (TCF ShortDocs: Variations on a Thirst, 2003)
Misfire is an experimental sound piece that blends 1940s Dr Pepper radio ads, original violin music, and sounds of thirst and thirst quenching.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Roman Mars.
produced by

Sherre DeLys' work has included sound sculpture and installation, improvised vocal music, sound designs for theater and film, radio art and documentaries.

Rick Moody is the author of five novels, three collections of stories, a memoir, and, most recently, a volume of essays On Celestial Music and Other Adventures in Listening.

Chris Abrahams is an Australian musician best known as the pianist with the instrumental trio The Necks.
Russell Stapleton is a sound engineer, producer and composer working for ABC Radio National.

Sarah Varney covers health for KQED's statewide news programs The California Report and Health Dialogue and reports regularly for Morning Edition, Day to Day , and All Things Considered.
Paul Frey is a product designer and artist living in San Francisco.

Roman Mars (@romanmars) is the creator of 99% Invisible , a short radio show about design and architecture.