Easy Love

Twenty-six years ago, Warren Kirk was at home in his suburban Melbourne rental flat. Freshly showered and dressed, he consulted the yellow pages before making a call.

2014 / Jaye Kranz / ABC RN, Long Story Short, Australia

Twenty-six years ago, Warren Kirk was at home in his suburban Melbourne rental flat. Freshly showered and dressed, he consulted the yellow pages before making a call.

Producer Jaye Kranz brings us the story of what happens next in this meditation on loss, memory, and the - not so random - CDs we play in the car. Learn what Jaye calls the "spooky power of radio" (and about her side-gig as a rock star) in EXTRA.

produced by

Jaye Kranz

Jaye Kranz is a Melbourne, Australia based radio producer, writer and musician.

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