Envision Yourself Being a Free Man

Sylvia Ryerson works with family members of those incarcerated in Virginia supermax prisons to capture the sounds, voices & music of home - to be broadcast directly into the prisons.

2016 / Sylvia Ryerson / Restorative Radio, USA

Sylvia Ryerson works with family members of those incarcerated in Virginia supermax prisons to capture the sounds, voices & music of home - to be broadcast directly into the prisons.

Essie Manns is the grandmother of DeVaughn Hall, currently at Red Onion State prison. She’s rarely able to visit him since she lives in Roanoke, Virginia, a 4 hours’ drive away. But after producer Sylvia Ryerson spent a day with Essie and her family, she produced an audio postcard for DeVaughn: Envision Yourself Being a Free Man.

Sylvia Ryerson is expanding the Restorative Radio project to the East Coast this Fall. Learn how her project is transforming prisoners lives, and why Essie Manns is such a powerhouse grandmother - in Behind-the-Scenes.

Can't get enough of Restorative Radio? Our friends at Transom.org also just released a great piece on Sylvia's work.

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