The Fact-checker
There’s an old journalism adage that says “if your mother says she loves you, check it out.” This American Life’s Christopher Swetala is the fact-checker who calls her to ask, and then let’s you know if it’s true… or not.
There’s an old journalism adage that says “if your mother says she loves you, check it out.” This American Life’s Christopher Swetala is the fact-checker who calls her to ask, and then let’s you know if it’s true… or not.
In this session, Christopher shares tips and lessons for triple-checking your own reporting and writing, and avoiding mistakes that could send your reputation into a tailspin.
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Christopher Swetala first started fact-checking in 2003 as an intern at The Nation and continued to offer his fact-checking skills to a number of publications including GQ and the Op-Ed desk of The New York Times.