Re:sound #169 The Ghosts of Vietnam Show
This hour: hauntings of war, ethereal recordings, and other ghosts of Vietnam.
2013 / Christina Egloff / Jay Allison / Cathy FitzGerald / Katie Mingle / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: hauntings of war, ethereal recordings, and other ghosts of Vietnam.
The Vietnam Tapes of Lance Corporal Michael A. Baronowski
by Christina Egloff and Jay Allison (All Things Considered, 2001)
In 1966, Michael Baronowski took a reel-to-reel tape recorder with him into the Vietnam War. Thirty-five years later, the eerie, ghost-like recordings that survived him ended up in the hands of radio producers Christina Egloff and Jay Allison.
Wandering Souls
by Cathy Fitzgerald (BBC World Service, 2011)
Both Vietnam and the United States remain haunted by the war. In the US, some soldiers are still chased by vivid memories. In Vietnam, the haunting is literal. There, it is believed that war deaths prevent the peaceful continuation of a soul as it journeys from this world to the next.
Quiet American
by Katie Mingle (Re:sound premiere, 2013)
In this short feature, Aaron Ximm talks about the field recordings he made in Vietnam using quasi-binaural microphones, and about why he believes sound recordings are the best way to document our experiences.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Katie Mingle.
produced by
Christina Egloff co-produced The Vietnam Tapes of Lance Corporal Michael A. Baronowski.

Jay Allison (@jay_allison) has been an independent public radio producer, journalist, and teacher since the 1970s.

Cathy FitzGerald (@cathyfitzg) is an award-winning writer and producer.

Katie Mingle (@katiemingle) is the senior editor and a producer for 99% Invisible.