Grey Ghost
Grey Ghost is the story of one man and a bird -- or possibly just of one man. It is also the story of an obsession.
Best Documentary: Honorable Mention2002 Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition2002 / Allan Coukell / Radio New Zealand, New Zealand
Grey Ghost is the story of one man and a bird -- or possibly just of one man. It is also the story of an obsession.
The man is Rhys Buckingham, a "freelance ornithologist" from New Zealand. The bird is the South Island Kokako, a grey, crow-sized songbird which, most experts agree, is now extinct. Mr. Buckingham has spent a lifetime in the forest listening for the bird and is determined to prove its existence. However, his search has been dogged by almost unbelievable reversals and bad luck.
Grey Ghost won a Best Documentary : Honorable Mention Award in the 2002 Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.
produced by
Allan Coukell is director of policy at the Prescription Project, and is the former health and science reporter at at WBUR, Boston's NPR news station.