Into the Darkness: Presenting the 2004 TCF ShortDocs
For the 2004 ShortDocs Challenge, we asked producers to submit ideas for stories about "darkness."

For the 2004 ShortDocs Challenge, we asked producers to submit ideas for stories about "darkness."
We received 120 proposals from the U.S. and far beyond, and commissioned four stories that tackled darkness from all a variety of angles. These were presented in the opening session of the 2004 Third Coast Conference.
Presenting the 2004 TCF ShortDocs: Stories About Darkness is moderated by Jay Allison, and features producers Adam Burke, Jude Fletcher, Hugh Levinson, and Rick Moody.
Adam Burke is an independent audio producer.
Hugh Levinson is a senior producer with BBC Current Affairs Radio.

Jay Allison (@jay_allison) has been an independent public radio producer, journalist, and teacher since the 1970s.
Jude Fletcher began her radio career as a DJ and Assistant Music Director at KUSF 90.7 FM, an alternative music station in San Francisco.

Rick Moody is the author of five novels, three collections of stories, a memoir, and, most recently, a volume of essays On Celestial Music and Other Adventures in Listening.