Neo-Futurism: The Joys (and Rewards) of Forced Creativity
Greg Allen, the creator of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind -- the show which has spawned nearly 10,000 short plays -- conducts a workshop on generating new material, exploring new forms, and beating writer's block.

Greg Allen, the creator of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind -- the show which has spawned nearly 10,000 short plays -- conducts a workshop on generating new material, exploring new forms, and beating writer's block.
Allen shares the secrets behind his company's endless creative energy by leading exercises in instant story writing and conceptual brainstorming.
Greg Allen is the founder of the Neo-Futurists and creator of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind (30 Plays in 60 Minutes), which has been running weekly in Chicago since 1988 and in Manhattan since 2004. Creator of such wildly disparate plays as A Child's History of Bombing and The Last Two Minutes of the Complete Works of Henrik Ibsen, Allen has brought to life more than 50 original full-length productions and 500 short plays, which have been seen all over the country.