New Neighbor Blues

Susan and Joe discover just how much the ocean they grew up with meant to them when they are 3,000 miles from home.

2012 / Joseph Molinelli / Susan Kemp / TCF, USA

Susan and Joe discover just how much the ocean they grew up with meant to them when they are 3,000 miles from home.

New Neighbor Blues was produced by Joseph Molinelli and Susan Kemp for the 2012 ShortDocs Challenge.

produced by

Joseph Molinelli

Joseph Molinelli is a freelance audio producer and sound editor for radio and television. Native to New York, he went out to explore his love affair with Los Angeles. With no promising leads, he set out in search of himself and the most entertaining anecdote.

Susan Kemp

Susan Kemp is a freelance journalist and writer. With weeks left at Savannah College of Art and Design, Susan decided to pursue her passion for radio and the spoken word by purchasing a recorder and asking anyone to talk to her. Joe and Susan met while working at SCAD Student Media and hope to engage more young people in the art of radio storytelling.

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