Re:sound #211 The Pulled From The Pages Show
This hour: audio stories inspired by the written word, be it a novel or a comic book.
2015 / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: audio stories inspired by the written word, be it a novel or a comic book.
Tim Key and Gogol's Overcoat [NOTE: only available until 18 October 2016]
by Steven Rajam & written by Tim Key (BBC Radio 4, 2012)
Tim Key — poet, comedian, and crumpled polymath — is obsessed with Nikolai Gogol's short story 'The Overcoat'. Written in 1842, it's a fable of a simple Russian clerk whose desire for a new coat to keep the St Petersburg winter at bay forever changes his life... and ultimately destroys him. Tim's off to find out what — if anything — Gogol's mysterious story can tell us, whilst contending with his own filthy disgrace of a jacket.
by Laura Starecheski and Al Letson (State of the Re:Union, 2012)
Al Letson is a storyteller and public radio host who is hugely, passionately into comics. In his search for super stories, he found a Superman superfan that fell prey to a real life villain, and a tight-knit comics community that pitched in to help.
by Jon Steiner & read by Adam Norris, sound by Louis Mitchell and produced Julie Shapiro (Radiotonic [ABC RN], 2015)
Poioumenon is a (sort of) short story by Jon Steiner, inspired (sort of) by and in homage (kind of) to the American postmodern (ish) writer David Foster Wallace, adapted (sort of) for the radio, and about (sort of): figuring out where to go post-post-modernism.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Dennis Funk.
produced by

Steven Rajam is a radio producer and feature-maker with BBC Wales in Cardiff.

Tim Key is an actor, writer and performance poet who favours dark suits, lager and long hot baths.

Al Letson (@Al_Letson) is a poet/playwright/actor/comic book writer and host of Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX.

Jon Steiner is an American-born Australian writer based in Sydney. Poioumenon first appeared in the anthology Escape, published by Spineless Wonders, who are releasing a collection of his short stories in late 2015.
Adam Norris is an Actor and Film & Stage Crew member based in New South Wales, Australia.
Louis Mitchell is a sound engineer in Australia.

Julie Shapiro (@jatomic) is the executive producer of Radiotopia from PRX - a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven podcasts. She is also the executive producer of Ear Hustle .

Dennis Funk was formerly Third Coast's senior producer.

Laura Starecheski (They/Them) is an editor at This American Life and also edited The Retrievals, a Peabody award-winning podcast from Serial Productions and The New York Times.