Secrets, Whispers, and Lies: Crafting a Personal Documentary
Everyone's telling their story these days –- in blogs, podcasts, on YouTube. But what makes one story a yawn or self-indulgent and another one compelling? How do you tell a personal story as a radio documentary?
Everyone's telling their story these days –- in blogs, podcasts, on YouTube. But what makes one story a yawn or self-indulgent and another one compelling? How do you tell a personal story as a radio documentary?
Outfront's Neil Sandell explains how to drill deep to find the real story, how to tell it with tape, the challenges of midwifing someone else's story, and making the listener care. He also discusses some of the ethical dilemmas of exploitation, privacy, and voyeurism.
Neil Sandell (He/Him) worked as a current affairs producer at CBC Radio for many years, and was a senior producer on Outfront, a pioneering program that helped ordinary people turn their life stories into documentaries.