The Sounds of Madness: A Survey of the Bizarre, the Unconventional, and the Just Plain Annoying
Kenneth Goldsmith explores the audio interstices between sound art, found sound, and the full gamut of noises that humans make.

Kenneth Goldsmith explores the audio interstices between sound art, found sound, and the full gamut of noises that humans make.
Bizarre and wonderful stories, photographs, and films accompany the soundtrack to help make sense of what has motivated certain individuals to want to do such things.
Kenneth Goldsmith is the author of eight books of poetry, founding editor of the online archive UbuWeb, and the editor of I'll Be Your Mirror: The Selected Andy Warhol Interviews. Goldsmith hosts a weekly radio show on New York City's WFMU and teaches writing at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is senior editor of PennSound, an online poetry archive.