Re:sound #177 The Symphonies Show
This hour: what happens when we open our ears to the surprising symphonies all around us.
2013 / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: what happens when we open our ears to the surprising symphonies all around us.
by Jill DuBoff (Studio 360, WNYC, 2012)
Scientist Bernie Krauss believes that animals communicate with each other on their own frequencies, and together, those frequencies interact in a way not unlike a symphony orchestra. He calls the phenomenon "biophony."
Supermarket Symphony
by Nina Perry (Falling Tree Productions, BBC Radio 4, 2012)
Composer and radio producer Nina Perry found beauty, musicality and personal stories in a place that may surprise you: a supermarket. In a place where most of us rush in and rush out, Nina stopped to listen.
Symphony of Sirens
by Charles Maynes (PRX, 2013)
Standing on top of a building in Moscow in 1922, an avant-guard Russian musician was poised to conduct a symphony. Of sorts. This symphony included navy ship sirens, hydro-airplanes, cannons, and the entire Soviet flotilla in the Caspian Sea, to name a few of its instruments. Producer Charles Maynes set out to learn more about this unusual symphony and the man behind it.
D Minor: The Ice Queen
by Paolo Pietropaolo with Denise Ball (CBC, 2012)
If the musical key of D minor were a person, what would she be like? Mournful? Dark? Sultry? According to Producer Paolo Pietropaolo, she's definitely a femme fatale.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Katie Mingle.
produced by

Jill Du Boff is the Audio Producer for The New Yorker. She has worked as a freelance radio producer for the past six years for such programs as Studio 360, RadioLab, and WNYC News. She has designed over 400 Broadway and Off-Broadway shows as a sound designer, earning her a Lily Award, the Ruth Morley Award, and an Obie Award for Sustained Excellence in Sound Design, and has also worked as a designer and mixer for film and television. Currently, Jill is developing a national radio show in a joint venture between The New Yorker and WNYC.

Nina Perry is a composer and producer whose work is regularly heard on the BBC and international networks. She is a founding member of the award-winning production co-operative Open Audio and has a PhD from Bournemouth University based on her BBC commissioned composed features.

Charles Maynes is a contributing producer with the Foundation for Independent Radio Broadcasting (FNR), an NGO that works for the development of quality public programming in Russia.

Paolo Pietropaolo is a freelance producer, broadcaster and composer based in Vancouver, Canada.

Katie Mingle (@katiemingle) is the senior editor and a producer for 99% Invisible.