The Third Coast ShortDocs: Appetite Show

This hour: We showcase some of our favorite stories from the 2013 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge.

2014 / Katie Mingle / , USA

This hour: We showcase some of our favorite stories from the 2013 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge.

Appetite, and talk to the organizer of the project, former Third Coast Artistic Director Julie Shapiro about the rules, the incentives, and our collaboration with the James Beard Foundation.

Sweet, Sweet Victory

by Logan Jaffe

Sweet Aunt Nuska

by Jeremy Wilmot and Matt Thomas

Bittersweet Apostrophe's

by Tim Needles

Sweet Cheesecake Heartbreak: Three Dates

by Catie Talarski


by Jeff Towne

Sweet Baby June Eats the World

by Matt Largey

Essen, My Sweet

by Deena Prichep and Joanna Stein

My Umami Gas Mask

by Sam Agee

The Last Morning Was a Sweet One

by Alix Blair

Sel Trois Façons (Salt: Three Ways)

by Kelly Jones

Salt On the Lips

by Jenny Asarnow

Blackbird Pot Pie: Not the Pie Umami Made

by Mary T. Diorio Schilling

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