Two Wheels to Nowhere
One man, one motorcycle, 13,843 miles, 89 days, 37 states, 166 interviews.
2010 / Aengus Anderson /, USA

One man, one motorcycle, 13,843 miles, 89 days, 37 states, 166 interviews.
During the summer of 2009, Aengus Anderson crossed America on his motorcycle asking questions, listening to strangers, and exploring the country through stories and snapshots. Aengus got to know a steady stream of people on his trip - like Jasper the tow-truck operator, Randall the self-proclaimed renaissance man, and Kathy the pie baker - and also spent a good amount of time confronting his own life questions, while dodging the rain drops and eating too many Cliff Bars along the way.
Read more about Aengus' adventures in spontaneous conversations and roadside cooking, and find links to hear other episodes of Two Wheels to Nowhere, in the 'Extra' section below.
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Aengus Anderson is a native of Catalina, Arizona, where he spent his childhood amiably throwing cactus at friends.