What Happened When I Stopped Making Radio... and Started Listening
Last year, after 15 years of making Radiolab , and more recently More Perfect , Jad Abumrad took a break...

Last year, after 15 years of making Radiolab , and more recently More Perfect , Jad Abumrad took a break...
Some time off to think about things. About what's next. And during that gap - which happened to come at a time when a lot of us were asking ourselves basic questions like... does what we do matter anymore? - he began to collect some stories. Small little tales about the power hidden in the mundane aspects of telling stories. In this session, he'll share those stories.
Note: Audio for this session will not be available.

Jad Abumrad (@JadAbumrad), is a Peabody Award-winning producer and 2011 MacArthur Fellow, is the creator and co-host of WNYC's Radiolab .