What happened when you caught a toadfish?

Liam tells Sam about his adventures on a trip to Bali and Sri Lanka.

2015 / Liam Romer / Sam Wemmer / Todd Wemmer / TCF, USA

Liam tells Sam about his adventures on a trip to Bali and Sri Lanka.

produced by

Liam Romer

Liam Romer is in 6th grade. He loves fishing and science.

Sam Wemmer

Sam Wemmer loves to catch creatures (frogs, lizards, snakes, squid, crabs, flounder, lobster, sculpin, lump fish).

Todd Wemmer

Todd Wemmer is a professor at Endicott College. He and his family live in Salem, MA. They sometimes make little audio pieces about nature and memory at thesoundmachine.org.

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