Whose Story Is It?
Over the past year, we've seen several major scandals cutting to the heart of journalistic and documentary ethics.

Over the past year, we've seen several major scandals cutting to the heart of journalistic and documentary ethics.
Journalists and documentary-makers alike are having to confront anew the relationship between cold, hard facts and the push to make compelling, hard-hitting stories - think Mike Daisey or KONY 2012, for example. As the tools to make and distribute professional quality audio become so widespread, what is the role of common, shared ethical values? Are such values absolute, or can they justifiably be bent? Kelly McBride (Poynter Institute) moderates, with NPR's Matt Thompson and documentary filmmaker Alex Kotlowitz.
Note! The session features this clip from the Kotlowitz's film, The Interrupters. You might like to watch along.

Alex Kotlowitz is a regular contributor to the New York Times Magazine , The New Yorker , and This American Life , among other publications.
Kelly McBride is a writer, teacher and one of the country's leading voices when it comes to media ethics. After working for 15 years at daily newspapers, she joined the Poynter Institute in 2002. The world's largest newsrooms, including the New York Times, NPR and the BBC, seek her advice for internal decisions and quote her expertise. She currently runs the Poynter's Sense-Making Project, an initiative examining the transformation of journalism from a profession for a few to a civic obligation of many.
Matt Thompson (@mthomps) is the deputy editor of TheAtlantic.com and vice-chairman of the board of the Center for Public Integrit.