Woman Found Dead By Lake Shore
The body of a woman - violently injured - is found on the shore of a lake northeast of Loftahammer, Sweden. The prime suspect? Her husband.
2014 / Hugo Lavett / Sveriges Radio, Sweden

The body of a woman - violently injured - is found on the shore of a lake northeast of Loftahammer, Sweden. The prime suspect? Her husband.
Hugo Lavett brings us the true story of what happened next - with incredible access to the accused murderer and to police investigation tape.
Why did Hugo choose to integrate humor (and trombone) into this serious story? And did the local police department feel this documentary presented them in a fair light? Get your answers in Behind-the-Scenes.
Note! This feature is in Swedish. But you can easily follow along with the transcript. Worth it, we promise.
See a photograph of Ingemar and Yocke (the pooch), here.
produced by

Hugo Lavett is a journalist and musician based in Stockholm, Sweden.
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