Third Coast Audio Library
Our vast and ever-growing collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories, episodes from Third Coast podcasts, educational sessions on craft from the best makers on the planet, and more.
We’ve also featured some incredible audio work beyond this audio library, in other ways and using other formats: don’t miss the 2021 Web Showcase, featuring a more in-depth look at the winners, judges and even a list of 40 finalists from the 2021 Third Coast/RHDF Competition.

The Unsustainable Age
A History Channel-style short told from the 23rd century.
- 2008
- 02:58
- Matt Fleeger

Upon the Black Top Sea
Joe escapes in his trailer alone but this time he has a visitor.
- 2008
- 02:31
- Mary Mazurek

Unless We Showed Up in Hazmat Suits
If Lucy met her best friend in person, her life expectancy would be cut in half.
- 2007
- 03:00
- Hillary Frank

Uncounted Civilian Casualties in Iraq
The American-led battle against the Islamic State has been hailed as the most precise air campaign in history. But its airstrikes have killed far more Iraqi civilians than anyone has acknowledged.
- 2017
- 49:19
- Annie Brown

Re:sound #222 The Uninvited Guests Show
This hour, uninvited guests like old lovers, irrational fears and the annoying habits that keep us up at night.

Re:sound #127: The Urban Dreamers Show
This hour: the experience of the city -- from the bicycle seat, the planner's map, and the poet's pen.
- 2010
- 59:30
- Katie Burningham
- Zak Rosen
- Al Letson
- Delaney Hall

Umami to the Ears
Weirdo Records is a closet-sized vinyl shop in Cambridge, Massachusetts where Angela Sawyer hosts experimental music concerts, for those with a unique and unorthodox musical taste.
- 2013
- 02:40
- Brittany Gervais
- Victoria Bedford

Umami Sunshine
An exploration of the role of appetite in elderly health as well as the scientific basis of umami (also known as L-glutamate or glutamic acid), with ukelele accompaniment.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Patricia McMillen

Umami Love
A girl with a voracious appetite for chefs samples a taste of true love.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Belinda Lopez

Umami Office
Researchers from the Egyptian TV show Al Bernameg are trying to lose weight, stay fit or just enjoy food at the office.
- 2013
- 02:44
- Christine Iskander

The Updates
When Sophie Townsend’s husband was diagnosed with lung cancer, she started the Russell Updates, a weekly email that laid it all bare for friends and family.
- 2015
- 36:28
- Sophie Townsend

Under Hell Gate
When humanity vanishes, Hell Gate will be the last bridge standing in New York City; until then, it watches and waits.
- 2016
- 03:02
- Rebecca Seidel
- Trevor Wallace

Under the Skin: Making Audio Visceral
Can a documentary make you dance? Turn you on? Make you jump in fear? We get under the skin of documentary's visceral possibilities, exploring how we edit to impact the listener's body as much as their mind.
- 2016
- 56:21

Umami Grease
In three courses, we discover the relationship between man and grease: the history, the culture and the conflict.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Jackson Stanton

U-mami My Life
Having a long distance relationship is like having the best yet never satisfying three-course meal over and over again.
- 2013
- 02:52
- Maja Mackintosh Johansen

The Unexpected Sweetness
Flowed mellow audio file that is down tempo but upbeat at the same time.
- 2013
- 03:35
- Bernard Capistrano

Umami Can't Cook Like Mine
The tradition of cooking has been passed down in my family through three generations: my grandma, my mom and me.
- 2013
- 02:59
- Lexia Banks

The Umami of Customer Service
Yeah, we all know how sweet it is when our appetites are satisfied, but what's it like to be a satiator?
- 2013
- 02:52
- Veronica Simmonds

The Umami Canon
Reflections on food for thought.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Casey Miner

Umami English
How to prepare the best English class in Paris.
- 2013
- 03:34
- Jane Weston's English class

Umami and Daddy too!
Olga likes borscht. Ryan Poli at work, and Leah Cowen asks the musical question "Can You Feed My Appetite?"
- 2013
- 02:55
- Frank Karall

Umami for the Finish: MRs. TasTy Breaks Down Kimchi
MRs. TasTy LanDed hEr Vegetarian SPace StaTioN in the MidWesT and StarTed heR CooKing ShoW; ToDaY ShE TeACheS uS AbOuT KimChi.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Lauren Kirby

Unobstructed Pink and Blue
A landlord and a tenant inhabit the same building on West 18th Street in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.
- 2012
- 03:00
- Jennifer Swann

Umami in the Dark
Hungry for the unknown, a New York City couple experiences their first taste of umami.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Amelia Parenteau

Umami (or Oooh-Mommy); The Mother of All Appetites
We all start out with one appetite, the appetite for our mother's breastmilk.
- 2013
- 02:57
- Sukey Lewis