Immerse your ears in the best audio documentaries and storytelling since 2001, the winners of the Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.

Finn and the Bell
Winner of the 2022-23 Third Coast/RHDF Competition Best Documentary: Silver Award, selected by Final Round Judges Jimmy Gutierrez, Rachel Matlow, Melissa Mbugua, Priska Neely, and Mike Williams.
- 2023
- 33:52
- Erica Heilman

Freedom Diving
Winner of the 2022-23 Third Coast/RHDF Competition Best Documentary: Bronze Award, selected by Final Round Judges Jimmy Gutierrez, Rachel Matlow, Melissa Mbugua, Priska Neely, and Mike Williams.
- 2023
- 32:43
- Phoebe Wang
- Neena Pathak
- Kia Miakka Natisse

Fault Line
Kevin (not his real name) is a likable guy who lives with his wife in New Jersey. And he's on probation after serving time in a federal prison for committing a disturbing crime.
- 2014
- 24:14
- Jad Abumrad
- Pat Walters

Finding Emilie
While in college, Alan fell hard for a fellow art student, Emilie.
- 2011
- 19:58
- Jad Abumrad
- Robert Krulwich
- Soren Wheeler

Forest to Desert
2008 ShortDocs Winner! An audio doodle about this phrase: "Humankind is preceded by forest, and followed by desert." Forest versus city / tree versus car / then versus now.
- 2008
- 02:35
- Sarah Boothroyd

Forbidden Love: Genetic Sexual Attraction
Ontario is the most recent province in Canada to open up adoption files in order to help birth families and adoptees find one another. But there is a disconcerting, though rare, consequence of adoptive reunions.
- 2009
- 33:57
- Aaron Brindle
- Aziza Sindhu

The Few Who Stayed: Defying Genocide in Rwanda
Weaving together archival footage, new interviews and personal recordings, The Few Who Stayed: Defying Genocide in Rwanda presents a unique look at the Rwandan genocide of 1994.
- 2004
- 16:14
- Michael Montgomery
- Stephen Smith

Fidele Musafiri: Miner
Cell phones and laptops rely on a particular mineral called colombite tantalum – coltan for short - and the growing demand for the material in the west has had ramifications in some pretty distant corners of the world.
- 2009
- 07:52
- Gregory Warner

The Five Percent Rule
Soldiers smoke more than civilians.
- 2011
- 06:36
- Sally Herships