Immerse your ears in the best audio documentaries and storytelling since 2001, the winners of the Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.

Yes, There Is a Baby
In the 1940s, when he was 16 years old, Myron Jones was allowed to stay up late any night of the week and hang out at bars or wherever he pleased, but his mother barely let his older sister Carol out of the house at all. So the siblings devised a plan.
- 2002
- 24:47
- Alex Blumberg
- Ira Glass
- Jonathan Goldstein

A young patient reinvents his experience of being in the hospital through metaphor and allusion. Responding to "what if" questions, Andrew exemplifies the transformative qualities of fantasy, empathy, and humor.
- 2002
- 07:39
- John Jacobs
- Sherre DeLys

My So-Called Lungs
Laura Rothenberg is 21 years old, but likes to say that she's already had her mid-life crisis. Laura has cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder that affects the lungs and other organs.
- 2002
- 34:31
- Joe Richman
- Laura Rothenberg

Grey Ghost
Grey Ghost is the story of one man and a bird -- or possibly just of one man. It is also the story of an obsession.
- 2002
- 30:12
- Allan Coukell

Remembering Kent State, 1970
When Ohio National Guard troops opened fire on students during a war demonstration on the Kent State University Campus in May, 1970, four young lives were ended and a nation was stunned.
- 2002
- 0
- Mark Urycki

Annapurna: Memories in Sound
Annapurna: Memories in Sound is an impressionistic sound portrait of the Ximms' trek through the Annapurna Circuit, a popular three-week hiking trip through the Himalayas to Nepal.
- 2002
- 38:00
- Aaron Ximm
- Bronwyn Ximm

Affairs of the Mind
Affairs of the Mind is a personal and confrontational story exploring the nature of jealousy and the parameters of infidelity.
- 2002
- 48:08
- Kyla Brettle

Corrections, Inc.
The corrections industry has become a $50-billion-a-year business and one of the strongest influences on criminal justice policy in America.
- 2002
- 49:55
- John Biewen

The 2002 TCF Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Studs Terkel (INC)
The Third Coast Festival Lifetime Achievement Award (now the Audio Luminary Award) is presented annually to an individual who is greatly admired for his or her significant and ongoing contributions to the field of radio. Hats off to the 2002 recipient, Studs Terkel.
- 2002
- 11:43
- Studs Terkel