Immerse your ears in the best audio documentaries and storytelling since 2001, the winners of the Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.
Children of Sodom and Gomorrah
Sodom and Gomorrah is a hellish place in Accra, Ghana, where children eke out a living on a scrap heap of discarded computers that the West no longer needs.
- 2011
- 52:35
- Jens Jarisch
- Sharon Davis

The Wisdom of Jay Thunderbolt
Jay Thunderbolt's business card is a little mysterious. It reads, "Thunderbolt - Party Naked" and gives a phone number.
- 2011
- 27:50
- Brendan Baker
- Nick van der Kolk
- Nick Williams

Most people find hearing their own voices (on voice mails or other recordings) strange, unfamiliar, or even discomforting.
- 2011
- 08:05
- Andy Mills
Heel, Toe, Step Together
Bob Hill, 86, has been dancing on and off since he was 16 years old.
- 2011
- 27:40
- Katie Burningham

Deportations Before Reform: Anatomy of an Immigration Bust
As lawmakers continued to debate immigration reform in 2010, the Obama administration pushed for a path to citizenship.
- 2011
- 08:56
- Marianne McCune

Finding Emilie
While in college, Alan fell hard for a fellow art student, Emilie.
- 2011
- 19:58
- Jad Abumrad
- Robert Krulwich
- Soren Wheeler

Patriot Games
Best friends Rich Carlson and Tom Swenor got so fed up with the political process in America that they decided to form their own Tea Party chapter in Petoskey, Michigan.
- 2011
- 34:22
- Ben Calhoun

The Five Percent Rule
Soldiers smoke more than civilians.
- 2011
- 06:36
- Sally Herships