Immerse your ears in the best audio documentaries and storytelling since 2001, the winners of the Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.

Arthur's Story
After twelve years of rough living in Vancouver, Arthur is moving into an apartment in a new supportive housing project. But moving inside from a life outside isn't as easy as you might think.
- 2014
- 46:07
- Steve Wadhams
- Suzanne Ahearne

Fault Line
Kevin (not his real name) is a likable guy who lives with his wife in New Jersey. And he's on probation after serving time in a federal prison for committing a disturbing crime.
- 2014
- 24:14
- Jad Abumrad
- Pat Walters

Teenage Diaries Revisited Melissa's Story
As an 19-year-old raised in the foster care system, Melissa took NPR listeners along when she gave birth to her son Issaiah.
- 2014
- 19:34
- Joe Richman
- Sarah Kate Kramer

The Real Tom Banks
Tom Banks is 23, gay and searching for love.
- 2014
- 18:12
- Jesse Cox
- Timothy Nicastri

The Hospital Always Wins
Back in 2004, Laura Starecheski visited a mental hospital in Queens, N.Y. called Creedmoor, where she met a patient named Issa Ibrahim.

Leaving a Mark
Emily Hsiao reads a Craigslist post about a man who wants his swastika tattoo covered up. And then she goes to meet him.
- 2014
- 13:14
- Emily Hsiao
Lance and Nina: An Unlikely Story of Recovery and Redemption
At 24, Lance Rice was on schedule to become another sad statistic in the heroin epidemic sweeping through rural Massachusetts.
- 2014
- 08:28
- Karen Brown

Here I Am and Here Be Danger
Here I Am and Here Be Danger is a non-narrated experiment in heartbreak.
- 2014
- 11:45
- Annie McEwen

100 Songs in a Day
One way to earn money selling music is boring: write one hit and live off the royalties for the rest of your life.
- 2014
- 11:17
- Alex Goldman
- PJ Vogt

Chicago to Mexico, by Bus
Every week hundreds of people board coach buses in Chicago and travel to Mexico.
- 2014
- 11:47
- Linda Lutton

Help Wanted
There is currently no formal treatment or support for non-offending pedophiles who want help managing their attractions.
- 2014
- 25:57
- Luke Malone
- Robyn Semien

Burroughs at 100
Rock legend Iggy Pop presents an intimate portrait of William S. Burroughs on the 100th birthday of America's most cataclysmic author.
- 2014
- 56:27
- Colin McNulty