Maker Sessions
Dive into scores of talks, workshops, and audio manifestos offering wisdom on everything from production skills to journalistic ethics from the best audio producers and makers on the planet.

2007 Getting to Yes: Perfecting Your Pitch (Day 2)
In collaboration with the Association of Independents in Radio (AIR), this session addresses how to successfully pitch radio stories and series ideas to stations, networks, and other acquirers of independent work.
- 2007
- 01:27:30

Options and Futures: Teenagers on the Radio -- Part One
Listen in as teen producers from around the country present a survey of their work, with bonus features: the sounds they love to listen to, with commentary on why, and tape that didn't make the final cut in production, with commentary on why not.
- 2007
- 01:23:31

When and How to Sell Out
It's hard enough to pitch a story to a public radio show -- are you willing to risk rejection from a whole new set of people? Daniel Sternberg talks about taking all of your talents, training, and neuroses and applying them to the world of podcasting.
- 2007
- 01:13:52

Stand Tall
The best "real time" radio sounds live and spontaneous, but requires forethought and structure. This session focuses on how to do "stand up" in the field -- what works and what doesn't.
- 2007
- 01:18:03

The Sounds Inside
In certain radio stories, sounds exist only in the mind of the storyteller and can't be physically recorded -- like dreams, memories, and predictions. How do you create a soundscape that brings "the sounds inside" to life?
- 2007
- 01:22:47

She Launched Channel Zero
In a time when commercial interests continue to stake a claim to audiences' attentions on the Internet, artists continue to explore the narrowcast as a vehicle for simultaneously cultivating an audience and developing a body of work.
- 2007
- 01:21:35

Secrets, Whispers, and Lies: Crafting a Personal Documentary
Everyone's telling their story these days –- in blogs, podcasts, on YouTube. But what makes one story a yawn or self-indulgent and another one compelling? How do you tell a personal story as a radio documentary?
- 2007
- 01:32:25

Options and Futures: Teenagers on the Radio -- Part Two
Listen in as teen producers from around the country present a survey of their work, with bonus features: the sounds they love to listen to, with commentary on why, and tape that didn't make the final cut in production, with commentary on why not.
- 2007
- 01:29:25

Making a Scene: The Use of Verite to Show, Not Tell, Your Story
A well-crafted scene, heard on the radio, opens a window onto a new world and allows the listener to fly right in. Claire Schoen explores the process of creating scenes -- showing real people living their lives -- for an audio documentary.
- 2007
- 01:34:06

Presenting the 2007 TCF ShortDocs: Dollar Storeys
For the 2007 ShortDocs Challenge, the Third Coast was inspired by and collaborated with the Dollar Store Show - a regular reading and performance series in Chicago.
- 2007
- 57:27

Greenberger and Greenberg: On Story and Music
Beyond being atmospheric and scene setting, music can play an active role in audio pieces. David Greenberger has worked with a wide range of musicians and composers for his radio monologues, which are adapted from conversations he has with the elderly.
- 2007
- 01:29:10

2007 Getting to Yes: Perfecting Your Pitch (Day 1)
In collaboration with the Association of Independents in Radio (AIR), this session addresses how to successfully pitch radio stories and series ideas to stations, networks, and other acquirers of independent work.
- 2007
- 01:32:57

With a Bird's Eye
Flying across the last 50 years of international feature production is like looking out of an aircraft at night. Looking down you see the illuminated cities, the many shining villages, but far more than everything else you see the sparkling spots of individual talent.
- 2007
- 01:25:14

Emancipation of Sound
The established elements of Feature productions have been words, music, actualities, and effects.
- 2007
- 01:15:37

Documenter and Documentee -- Part Two
Documenting somebody else's life is one of the hardest challenges producers face in their work. Over an extended period of time relationships intensify, stories often change drastically, and the line between personal and too personal blurs easily.
- 2007
- 01:26:45

Documenter and Documentee -- Part One
Documenting somebody else's life is one of the hardest challenges producers face in their work. Over an extended period of time relationships intensify, stories often change drastically, and the line between personal and too personal blurs easily.
- 2007
- 01:24:59

In Praise of the Sandbox
What inspires those who inspire us? Seasoned producer Jay Allison shares work that inspired him a long time ago and inspires him today, work that contains a healthy measure of invention and play -- key ingredients of creativity, even in a serious world.
- 2007
- 01:21:59

The Wonders of Narcissism
Let's face it: you're funny and cunning and smart and insightful; disarming, direct, and hopelessly attractive. Why not give the people what they want -- more you! Sure you're not what the story is about.
- 2007
- 01:20:54