Discover hundreds of short audio gems produced in response to a prompt from Third Coast for the ShortDocs Competition, hosted between 2003 and 2016. Each year ushered in a new set of rules, new creative partners, and ever-more magical results.

Flying Dream Sequence
The tale of a recurring dream.
- 2008
- 02:37
- Matt Fleeger

Feeling Small but Dreaming Big
"Why we should not imagine a row of sheep at night and why is a coffee tree sometimes like a man?"
- 2008
- 02:30
- Anastasia Ivanova

Fault Line
Kevin (not his real name) is a likable guy who lives with his wife in New Jersey. And he's on probation after serving time in a federal prison for committing a disturbing crime.
- 2014
- 24:14
- Jad Abumrad
- Pat Walters

Hear the inner thoughts of Fembot – your ideal, socially-constructed long-distance girlfriend!
- 2016
- 02:59
- Michelle Macklem
- Katie Hill
- Matthew Kariatsumari

Forest to Desert
2008 ShortDocs Winner! An audio doodle about this phrase: "Humankind is preceded by forest, and followed by desert." Forest versus city / tree versus car / then versus now.
- 2008
- 02:35
- Sarah Boothroyd

Fiddlehead Island
1 goof. 100 internet people. 50 000 fiddleheads.
- 2016
- 03:00
- Johnny Spence
- Veronica Simmonds

From a Distance
Standing where she always wanted to be, a woman on the moon looks at life from a distance.
- 2016
- 03:00
- Dorothea Trufelman
- Emma Lanier

Frenchie Movie
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main . . . any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." - John Donne (1572-1631)
- 2007
- 02:59
- Jeff Peters
- Tim Forrest

The First Attraction
The myth of Narcissus reimagined: the north pole of a magnet bar falls tragically in love with the north pole of another magnet bar.
- 2006
- 02:31
- Bruce Wallace
- Lawrence Lanahan

Family Tree
Two families share very different reasons for planting a tree when their baby is born.
- 2008
- 03:00
- Kyle Sweet-Chavez
- Sergio Chavez

Forget Me Not Suburban St. Louis, For You Are The Site of My Sexual Liberation
St. Louis kinksters demonstrate that an history of lab-based human sexuality studies in the city can be recast as communal, playful, and liberating in the suburbs.
- 2012
- 03:01
- Daniel Makagon
- Mary R. Gould

Fish Out of water
An Inuit artist on the ritual that connects him with the childhood he lost, and a culture he longs to remember.
- 2016
- 02:59
- Vanessa Greco

First Kiss
You never know what will happen on date night...
- 2016
- 02:53
- Ben Kass

The Fall
A story about nature's power. Special thanks to Elise Neuscheler.
- 2016
- 02:59
- Katrine Hedegaard

The Fringe Door
A meditation on the paradox of connection/disconnection, explored through the eyes, words and minds of two strangers - one in Tokyo and one in Rome.
- 2016
- 03:00
- Dominica Roebuck

From Glasgow to Basra
A mother misses her son.
- 2006
- 02:30
- Anna Norberg

Feisty Mama
A daughter finds an old picture of her mother and sees her mother differently.
- 2007
- 02:44
- Melissa Canciller

Flute on a Ladder
Chance meeting? Perhaps.
- 2016
- 03:00
- Tim Forrest

The Farm-Fresh Egg: A Sweet Return
The locavore movement is sweeping the nation - and cookbook author Jennifer Thompson and a farmers market vendor explain why fresh eggs are the best eggs.
- 2013
- 02:58
- Casey Kuhn

Fear Tastes Like Salt Feels
A tale, fearsome and salty, of restricting restrictions told from the safe side of a youth, that is, beyond it.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Julia Murphy

Feast and Famine: A Bitter Cure to Finally Forgetting Your Ex
Kurt Callum woke up one morning and realized he had gone fourteen days straight without thinking even once of his ex or their bitter break-up.
- 2013
- 02:50

From Sweet Appetite to a Healthy Appetite
If you want to be healthy and fit, you must well inform your appetite.
- 2013
- 02:30
- Yomna Khallaf
For Maine's Francos, Food Memories Are Bittersweet
Three Franco-Americans in Maine still have an appetite for their culture's humble cuisine, which isn't esteemed like fancy French food.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Laura McCandlish

Fire Engine Red
This is a story about getting to know your neighbour, when your neighbour is a sound.
- 2012
- 02:34
- Veronica Simmonds

False Teeth, True Love, and Blueberry Pie
My neighbor Earl has been a logger all his life; Betty, who lives up the mountain tells me those logging men are known for their sweet tooth, and Earl tells me about his sweetheart.
- 2012
- 02:59
- Emily Newton