Discover hundreds of short audio gems produced in response to a prompt from Third Coast for the ShortDocs Competition, hosted between 2003 and 2016. Each year ushered in a new set of rules, new creative partners, and ever-more magical results.

The New Pleasant Revolution
A bike messenger provides alternatives to horrible traffic horns.
- 2007
- 02:47
- Michael Slaboch
- Tony Mendoza

What does he remember from three months ago?
- 2006
- 02:30
- Julia Barton

Nerve Machine
Assailed by doubts, fears and illusions on all sides, the warfare within our bodies is a silent one.
- 2008
- 02:17
- Karen Werner
- Victoria Estok

Not So Sweet on New School Lunch
Michelle Obama's new school lunch program gets sour reviews from Paonia High School students.
- 2013
- 02:39
- Ali Lightfoot
- Azure Eller

Neighborhood Crimes: When Black and White is Grey
Now living in a comparatively peaceful community in Fargo, ND, Ermina Jelovac from Bosnia exposes the almost overnight change in her neighbors during the war.
- 2012
- 02:49
- Brad Delzer
- Erika Lorentzsen

New Neighbor Blues
Susan and Joe discover just how much the ocean they grew up with meant to them when they are 3,000 miles from home.
- 2012
- 03:00
- Joseph Molinelli
- Susan Kemp

The Noble Gazer
My dad stares out the window a lot at work - for a while I thought he was being lazy but I don't think he is anymore.
- 2016
- 02:59
- Hans Anderson

No More Bad Luck (Tess Gallagher Meets Raymond Carver)
Woman meets man.
- 2006
- 02:34
- Alfred Koch

Natalie, Alone, in New York
A woman tries to come to terms with a breakup and a package of bacon.
- 2006
- 02:31
- Sue Mell

After one year of social work experience: autism / misuse / to society.
- 2006
- 02:30
- Martin Kolber-Jaskulski

Next Message
Mike won't return Alexander's messages.
- 2006
- 02:31
- Thelon Oeming

The Nature of Engagement
A thought experiment and an anecdote come together to illuminate the challenges of cross-cultural engagement, particularly in conservation work.
- 2016
- 03:00
- James Perla

No Appetite for Bitter Old Men
Christ! I smoke cigarettes! Leave me alone!
- 2013
- 02:52
- Ruslan Kulski