Discover hundreds of short audio gems produced in response to a prompt from Third Coast for the ShortDocs Competition, hosted between 2003 and 2016. Each year ushered in a new set of rules, new creative partners, and ever-more magical results.

Six Minutes
A motorcyclist hits the only tree standing in an otherwise empty field.
- 2008
- 03:00
- Katie Ball

Sending Books to Africa
A surreal tale about book donations, whitefish salad, and trans-atlantic journeys.
- 2008
- 03:00
- Sarah Yahm

The Subtle Tongue of Racism Remains Unbitten in a "Post-Racial" America
How do Anglos think black people talk -- and how does that feel?
- 2008
- 02:58
- Will Wright

Of a cat, a Necessary, litter, and oh yeah, mice.
- 2007
- 03:01
- Kay Collins

Stupid, Stupid Cup
Fictional account of bad behavior inspired by the mug.
- 2007
- 02:52
- Sue Mell

Stork-Bird Brain
A journey through the mind of heartache on an island that is really a peninsula.
- 2008
- 03:00
- Carolyn Hoerdemann

Re:sound #17: The ShortDocs Show
This hour: the 2003 and 2004 Third Coast ShortDocs, which focused on the themes of thirst and darkness.
- 2005
- 59:00
- Adam Burke
- Jude Fletcher
- Hugh Levinson
- Rick Moody

2008 ShortDocs Winner! The bittersweet fear of watching your child grow up.
- 2008
- 03:00
- John Biewen

Stolen Threads
An A.I. detective intercepts emails from a young TV journalist, and attempts to rescue her from the clutches of Big Data.
- 2016
- 03:00
- Billy Shebar
- J. Faye Yuan
- Yasaman Kazerooni

The Secret Life of an Australian Mother
Domestic duet for mother and six year old.
- 2006
- 02:30
- Eurydice Aroney
- Stuart Brown
- Tom Morton

Summersault featuring Lumberjockey
Scott Barber aka Lumberjockey discovered at 15 that he needs to pay close attention to everything that goes into his body.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Julia Grant
- Scott Barber

Sweet, Sweet Solitude
A young girl rants about annoyances that are brought up frequently in her daily life while listing why her way of living is superior to most others.
- 2013
- 02:42
- Emily Hartman
- Lauren Vieni
- Michael Abramczyk

Summer Snow in Moscow
Every summer it snows in Moscow -- because of sexually frustrated trees? What do you know about the sexuality of the poplar tree?
- 2008
- 03:00
- Anastasia Gorokhova
- Daniela Hannemann
- Sasha Fomichev

Sweet Dreams
You need a lot to accomplish your dreams, but it is your choice to pursue it or not.
- 2013
- 02:00
- Lauren Vieni
- Mercedes Lopez
- Michael Abramczyk

The Searchers (Based on a True Story)
2008 ShortDocs Winner! Where do lost stories go? Potato pancakes are involved.
- 2008
- 03:06
- David P. Earle

Salt On the Lips
2013 ShortDocs Winner! David channels his frustrated desires into detailed fantasies for the perfect sensual feast.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Jenny Asarnow

The Sweetest Meat
A cannibal finds that she no longer has the appetite for the things she used to.
- 2013
- 02:50
- Damian Biniek
- Rachel Lyon

Sweet Empty Calories: HEART DISEASE
How an appetite for the wrong foods can kill you, and the role it plays in heart disease (the number one killer of women).
- 2013
- 03:00
- Linda Darlene (Behl) Brennaman
- Ross Stinemetz

Sel: Trois Façons (Salt: Three Ways)
2013 ShortDocs Winner! No one has an appetite for perfection and swearing like a Québécois in search of poutine.
- 2013
- 02:59
- Kelly Jones

Spaceman Carl
Captain Sheila gets a little help taming the wild wastes of outer space.
- 2016
- 02:56
- Allison Quantz
- Bethy Squires
- Natalie Bainter

The Smell of Salt
The story of an acclaimed chef and mothers journey searching for finding and understanding success.
- 2013
- 02:55
- Holly Smith
- Paige Lee

Sweet Order
An insatiable passion for keeping lists brings order to each new day... and prepares for the next.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Java Bere
- Jon Tipler
Sweet Restraint
Danny can't eat wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, potatoes...
- 2013
- 02:34
- Paula Friedrich
The Sweet Life On Tour (or Ben Eats A Lobster Roll)
My friend Ben eats his first lobster roll while we're on tour in Portland, Maine.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Alex Lewis
- Alex Lewis

Stood There Ringing
A pregnant woman lets a bell say everything she can't.
- 2007
- 03:00
- Megan Stielstra
- Shiow-Jiau Yung