Discover hundreds of short audio gems produced in response to a prompt from Third Coast for the ShortDocs Competition, hosted between 2003 and 2016. Each year ushered in a new set of rules, new creative partners, and ever-more magical results.

What Do You Need to Know?
The bread guys pay a visit to a busy Brooklyn deli.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Ilya Marritz

Why Not?
I met Why Not? while searching for 78RPM records of traditional Saing Waing music in Myanmar.
- 2015
- 02:57

What If Is True
Hilary Clinton, Aliens, Angels.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Wilfredo Rivera

What does that do?
Dr Christine Blancher, at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford, talks us through one of the big DNA sequencers they use to produce the string of letters (A, T, G, and C) which is your unique genetic code.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Brian Mackenwells

Why Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways
Brian thinks maths is beautiful, and would like to tell you why.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Brian Mackenwells

Who's Afraid of Idaho?
I'm in awe of my new roommate Lina. But she's from Idaho...
- 2015
- 02:47
- Maya Goldberg-Safir

What we doing now, Misi boy?
Two seniors in Punahou High School in Honolulu, Hawaii share their tender voices and cries of laughter as they sing us the story of their friendship and community in Hawaii.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Reem Alfahad

Who's Howling at OwlHoot Station
Bill talks about OwlHoot Station and its neighbors.
- 2015
- 02:57
- Leah Lemm

What Darko Said
My Burmese friend Darko teaches us that pop music in Myanmar is defined by the cover song.
- 2015
- 03:00

What Do You Know About Meat?
A butcher reflects on his work.
- 2015
- 02:51
- Bria Dolnick and Gus Coliadis

What is a Food Desert?
Using the poetry and commentary of Kuumba Lynx (a Chicago-based hip hop coalition) this sound art piece investigates how institutional disinvestments in Chicago's South Side communities have affected its residents' nutritional health.
- 2015
- 02:21
- Justin Zullo

Who Brings the Heat?
In this mockumentary piece, June Jensen must find a way to keep her hot dish hot on the way to the church potluck.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Alex Ward

Experimenting with sound, lots to be found.
- 2015
- 02:02
- Bishnu Khatiwada

Where Do We Go...
Audio impression of racial tensions.
- 2015
- 02:56
- Catie Talarski

What will she read tonight?
Three of the founders of the Women's Prison Book Project in Minneapolis talk about their memories and experiences in the early years.
- 2015
- 02:55
- Dixie Treichel

Quien soy yo, Quien era yo, Quien será él (Who I am, Who I was, Who He Will Be)
Jimmy Arteaga, a street juggler from Ecuador, reflects on his childhood and his child.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Sayre Quevedo

What is it like to be one of the first?
When Sergeant Carrie Lopes joined the Provincetown Police Department, she was one of the only women on the force; thirty years later, she reflects on sexual harassment experienced at the beginning of her career.
- 2015
- 02:57
- Annabel Lang

Where Liberated Library Books Go
A window into the mind of a library thief.
- 2015
- 02:52
- Jagmeet Mac
- Alex Danilowicz

When did I get turned around?
An exploration of the cacophony and cyclical nature of life.
- 2015
- 02:25
- Tom Harrison

What happened to Greg? And what happens to him next?
Sometimes the way we respond to a suicide says more about us than the person who died.
- 2015
- 02:57
- Emily Guerin

When will the nervousness float away?
Trying to find comfort in a basement apartment.
- 2015
- 02:42
- Zak Rosen
- Rebecca Prosser

Why Wasn't I Named Smith?
A family talks about what it was like to have the same name as the most hated person in America.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Debra Oswald

Where's My ACL?
A young man loses his ACL but gains it back and much more.
- 2015
- 03:00
- James Min

Where did the ice come from?
Three generations of women discuss ice and death in the Amana Colonies.
- 2015
- 02:59
- Ellie Gordon-Moershel

What do you think of when you think of stars?
A love story that begins over the phone and under the stars.
- 2015
- 03:00
- Jessi LeMay