Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Re:sound #34: The Echoes of War Show
This hour: memories and reverberations of conflict.

Re:sound #24: The Talent Show
This hour: the strange world of competitive model horse collecting and an investigation of an old classmate's death.
- 2005
- 59:01
- Julie Shapiro
- Gwen Macsai
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #16: The Game Show
This hour: games!
- 2005
- 59:00
- Chris Brookes
- Jason Rayles
- Ben Rubin
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #17: The ShortDocs Show
This hour: the 2003 and 2004 Third Coast ShortDocs, which focused on the themes of thirst and darkness.
- 2005
- 59:00
- Adam Burke
- Jude Fletcher
- Hugh Levinson
- Rick Moody

Re:sound #18: The Women Show
This hour: decoding female language, an intimate dinner, and a tour of bathroom stall graffiti.
- 2005
- 58:30
- Gwen Macsai
- Lorelei Harris
- Laura Vitale
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #19: The Sweet Sound Show
This week: 14 brothers and sisters search for their estranged father, and a profile of one of the most avid sound recordists of all time.
- 2005
- 59:01
- Phyllis Fletcher
- The Kitchen Sisters
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #20: The Phone Show
This hour: stories told over the phone.

Re:sound #21: The Raymond Carver Show
This hour: the difficult, brief, and brilliant life of writer Raymond Carver.
- 2005
- 59:30
- Alfred Koch
- Lea Redfern
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #23: The God Show
This hour: gods, idols, worshipers, and skeptics.

Re:sound #25: The Exodus Show
This hour: a story about the vagaries of memory, leaving a legacy, and elevating the personal narrative above the political mire.
- 2005
- 59:00
- Sean Cole
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #33: The Bollywood Show
This hour: a tall, white New Zealander heads to Mumbai to try and land a role in one of the hundreds of Bollywood films the industry churns out each year.
- 2005
- 58:30
- Simon Morton
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #26: The Tour Show
This hour: the halls of a high school and the alleys of one of the oldest cities in the world.
- 2005
- 58:31
- David Torgersen
- Jim Metzner
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #27: The Remix Show
This hour: producers and sound artists go to the audio playground and remix to their heart's content.

Re:sound #28: The No Moon Show
This hour: the inhabitants of a fictional greystone and some very real survivors of suicide, who speak bravely and candidly about their experiences.
- 2005
- 58:30
- Various producers

Re:sound #29: The Losing and Finding Show
This hour: a father with aphasia, an elusive bird, and more.
- 2005
- 59:30
- Various producers

Re:sound #30: The Invisible Ink Show
This hour: two stories from Roman Mars's Invisible Ink.
- 2005
- 59:00
- Various producers

Re:sound #31: The Transmissions Show
This hour: spies, pirates, mysterious broadcasts, and a bold acoustic experiment.
- 2005
- 59:30
- Various producers

Re:sound #32: The Hollywood Show
This hour: an obscure director frets his way through Sundance, the accidental genre known as film noir, and more.
- 2005
- 59:00
- Various producers

Re:sound #15: The Consumerism Show
This hour: a brief history of the mall, radical knitters, and more.