Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Re:sound #119: The Cambio Show
This hour: change. Some of us crave it, some of us avoid it at all costs. But whenever and wherever it happens, change creates fallout, intentional or not.

Re:sound #125: The Justice Show
This hour: we explore some big ideas – justice, injustice, punishment, and redemption – through small, powerful, personal stories.

Re:sound #121: The Death Comes Home Show
This hour: the home funeral movement. Three families who've forgone traditional death rites in favor of a more DIY approach.
- 2010
- 58:00
- April Dembosky
- Karen Michel
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #122: The Three Records from Sun Ra Show
This hour: two amazing musicians explored through the portal of two amazing documentaries.
- 2010
- 58:30
- Charles Maynes
- Brent Clough
- John Jacobs
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #123: The Textbook War Show
This hour: one woman's comments at a school board meeting in Kanawa County, West Virginia, become a catalyst for deep division within the school district, the county, the state, and the entire country.
- 2010
- 59:00
- Trey Kay
- Deborah George
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #126: The Scam Show
This hour: the capital of scamming.

Re:sound #127: The Urban Dreamers Show
This hour: the experience of the city -- from the bicycle seat, the planner's map, and the poet's pen.
- 2010
- 59:30
- Katie Burningham
- Zak Rosen
- Al Letson
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #128: The Willie McGee Show
This hour: the story (and the story behind the story) of Willie McGee.
- 2010
- 58:30
- Joe Richman
- Samara Freemark
- Nate DiMeo
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #129: The Nerve Show
This hour: how and why we're wired for sound. A look at music and the brain.
- 2010
- 58:00
- Jowi Taylor
- Chris Brookes
- Paolo Pietropaolo
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #130: The Chicago Show
This hour: Chicago. Hogbutcher to the world, jewel of the Midwest, and everything inbetween.

Re:sound #132: The Lost Show
This hour: looking for the intangible. What's lost and what might be found.

Re:sound #133: The Food Show
This hour: Food. It's delicious. It's complicated.

Re:sound #134 The Consequences Show
For every action there is a reaction. This week we look at consequences, both micro and macro.
- 2010
- 59:30
- Joe Richman
- Colm McNaughton
- Katie Mingle

Re:sound #135 The Taking Care Show
This hour: the delicate interdependence between being in need and answering the call to help.

Re:sound #136 The Twins Show
This hour: Identical twins -- separated at birth, separated by belief and joined by matching outfits.