Featured Work
Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

Electronic Samples Cut-Up
A few years ago, Mark Vernon bought a pile of old reel-to-reel audio tapes at a boot sale (think yard sale, but in the trunks of cars) near his hometown of Derby, England.
- 2002
- 02:14
- Mark Vernon

Embroidery Felon
Ray Matterson spent the first year of his seven and a half-year jail term feeling angry at the world. Then he found a kind of redemption -- in a pair of socks.
- 2003
- 04:08
- Jonathan Mitchell

The End
Endings in radio used to serve a purpose: they used to signal to a live audience that the time to applaud was near. But this has changed now, prompting Sara Fishko to take a look at the outdated "ending" and to piece together some favorite final moments for a Big Finish.
- 1999
- 05:47
- Sara Fishko

Epic, Painful, Long, Scary
Epic, Painful, Long, Scary is the story of 19-year-old African-Australian twins. The twins hardly remember their mother and father, who both died from AIDS-related illnesses when the boys were just toddlers.
- 2006
- 29:34
- Julie Kimberly

Educating Esme
Esme Cordell shares a year's worth of classroom anecdotes and musings, culled from a journal kept throughout her first year teaching in Chicago.
- 2001
- 59:03
- Esme Cordell

Karla Saavedra, 17, moved to Brooklyn's Bushwick neighborhood from Mexico two years ago.
- 2000
- 07:55
- WNYC's Radio Rookies

The Earthquake
About a year ago, producers at KPCC started discussing the inevitable major quake set to hit Los Angeles and wondered how they could get people to not just listen but really prepare. The Big One: Your Survival Guide is what they came up with.
- 2019
- 30:12
- Arwen Champion Nicks

Episode 1 - A Perfect Murder
The abundance and popularity of true-crime podcasts meant the time had come (and gone, and come again) for a really hard look in the mirror. The Onion and Onion Public Radio bravely rose to the challenge!
- 2018
- 13:40
- Katy Yeiser
- Fran Hoepfner
- Ryan Natoli
- David Sidorov

Everybody SCREAM!!
Spin class gets personal.
- 2012
- 10:32
- Jonathan Mitchell

Ear Hustle, Episode 1: Cellies
"We started with Cellies because we felt that people probably can’t relate to prison but they can definitely relate to a roommate, especially a roommate from hell." Earlonne Woods, co-host of Ear Hustle .
- 2017
- 23:39
- Earlonne Woods
- Antwan Williams
- Nigel Poor

The End of the World
The idea was to drive around and talk to people about the end of the world. As producer Scott Carrier says, "There's no law against it."
- 2015
- 32:00
- Scott Carrier

Everything Sounds Episode #11: Microphone Museum
The invention of the microphone changed many aspects of modern life beginning in the late 1800's, but today most of us take these simple machines for granted.
- 2013
- 20:36
- Craig Shank
- George Drake Jr.

Easy Love
Twenty-six years ago, Warren Kirk was at home in his suburban Melbourne rental flat. Freshly showered and dressed, he consulted the yellow pages before making a call.
- 2014
- 09:52
- Jaye Kranz

El otro, el mismo (The Other, The Same)
Meet Eduardo Bechara (from Colombia) and Eduardo Bechara (from Argentina).
- 2012
- 15:32
- Camila Segura

Envision Yourself Being a Free Man
Sylvia Ryerson works with family members of those incarcerated in Virginia supermax prisons to capture the sounds, voices & music of home - to be broadcast directly into the prisons.
- 2016
- 10:52
- Sylvia Ryerson

Enjoy Your Worries, You May Never Have Them Again (INC)
Paul de Jong and Nick Zammuto, otherwise known as the Books, incorporate an array of sound fragments and miniature stories into their music. The results are part songs, part "documentary vignettes" -- an original approach to making both documentary audio and music.
- 2002
- 0
- The Books