Featured Work
Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

Mucho Corazon
Mucho Corazon tells the story of Leon Perlee, who builds and restores antique street organs in Holland's oldest surviving street organ business, and Milades Sosa, who works at a Cuban organ factory.
- 2001
- 42:28
- Chris Brookes
- Michele Ernsting

The Modern Woodsman
Filmmaker Adam Clitheroe playfully puts forth an audio portrait of a traditional woodsman . . . equipped with a cell phone.
- 2004
- 03:47
- Adam Clitheroe

The Memory Palace: These Words Forever
In this episode of The Memory Palace, Guglielmo Marconi, the Father of Radio, dreams of a super-radio that would allow him to hear every sound ever made. Melancholy ensues.
- 2009
- 03:17
- Nate DiMeo

My Personal Board: Episode One
Five alarmingly self-aware people meet on the phone for an hour each week to talk about their lives and their goals.
- 2005
- 15:00
- Eurydice Aroney

Mad About Magpies
Many people look to the natural world for clues about living a more harmonious life. For example, we aspire to traits we associate with certain animals: the wisdom of the owl, the noble bearing of the bald eagle, or the grace of the swan.
- 2005
- 15:29
- Guy Hand

My T-Shirt Says It All
The T-shirt is a staple of the American wardrobe, worn by pretty much everyone at one time or another. It's a common denominator in a culture marked by differences. But while it's cheap and easy to make, the humble T-shirt shouldn't be underestimated.
- 2008
- 29:00
- Jacob Fenston

Mr. Right
Searching for your ideal partner can be exhausting, even with the help of personal ads.
- 2007
- 02:51
- Inge Hoonte

Meat Factory Ear Worms
You know how sometimes you just can't get a song out of your head? Radio producer Richie Beirne can sympathize.
- 2008
- 13:47
- Richie Beirne

Minister Excerpt
Joe Frank, master of late night radio, assembled this piece: a phone conversation between himself and a cranky minister.
- 2000
- 05:15
- Joe Frank

Resound # 139 The Metamorphosis Show
This hour: two people shed old skins and resurface in foreign territory.
- 2011
- 56:38
- Multiple producers

Marinade a la Tete
A cerebral yet refreshing exploration into the question "where do creative ideas come from?"
- 2002
- 04:02
- Gregory Whitehead

Mine Enemy: The Story of German POWs in America
During World War II, Americans watched news reels of atrocities abroad. But, in some small U.S. towns, the enemy was hoeing the back garden - or sharing a meal at the kitchen table.
- 2015
- 49:17
- Alison Jones
- Deborah George

Mike and Victor: A Family Story
In 1993, Mike Checuga was a 24 year-old working obsessively long hours until his boss ordered him to take a day off each week.
- 2014
- 29:03
- Alex Kotlowitz
- Amy Drozdowska

Making Obama: Wait Your Turn
How was President Barack Obama shaped by his years in Chicago as a community organizer turned politician?
- 2018
- 56:15
- Colin McNulty

Re:sound #53: The MBK Show
This hour: two stories by Mary Beth Kirchner.
- 2006
- 59:00
- Mary Beth Kirchner
- Roman Mars

Me and Run Like a Dream
Here's your typical love story, except for one small detail: the husband is a race horse.
- 2012
- 13:21
- Jessie Borrelle
- Jon Tjhia

My Life So Far
The village of Alert Bay, on Canada's Pacific coast, is a study in paradox for the teens growing up there. They have a rich aboriginal culture, but live in grinding poverty.
- 2009
- 26:56
- Lindsay Michael
- Neil Sandell
- Teresa Goff

The Memory Palace: Lost Pigeons
In this episode of The Memory Palace, the passenger pigeon dwindles from five-billion strong in the first quarter of the 19th Century down to one lonely widow in the Cincinnati Zoo in less than a hundred years.
- 2009
- 02:54
- Nate DiMeo

The Most of It
We interrupt our regular library spotlight for a quick pas de deux: a minute (and two seconds) that gives voice to movement and movement to voice.
- 2014
- 01:02
- CPR Arts Bureau
- Wonderbound

The Memory Palace: The Brothers Booth
In this episode of The Memory Palace, the most famous actor in American mounts a comeback after his little brother shoots Abraham Lincoln.
- 2009
- 05:17
- Nate DiMeo

The Mender of Lost Hearts
Child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo lead grim lives -- they're forcibly recruited to serve with government forces or rebel troops in a long and bloody civil conflict that's ravaged the region for years.
- 2009
- 12:24
- Samite Mulondo
- Steve McNally

Mei Mei, A Daughter's Song
Dmae Roberts tell two interwoven stories in this personal documentary: the frustration she feels not living up to her mother's ideal of a perfect Taiwanese daughter and the compassion she has for a mother who as a child suffered abuse, starvation, and the horrors of World War Two.
- 2002
- 26:35
- Dmae Roberts

Man Choubam (I am good)
Sharon calls herself a weirdo and refuses to conform to cultural standards. Her mom does not approve. Winner of the TC/RHDF 2018 Best Documentary: Silver Award.
- 2018
- 39:57
- Sharon Mashihi

Mind, Body, Soul
An interview with a performance artist, whose "art" consists of consuming entire copies of the Oxford English Dictionary, Gray's Anatomy, and the King James Bible.
- 2002
- 14:02
- Gregory Whitehead

Married to the Livestock: The End of a Farmer's Life (INC)
A touching, sound-rich excerpt from a German feature that explores the shifting realities and complicated relationships on the small family farm where producer Julia Schafer was raised.
- 2008
- 02:36
- Julia Schafer