Featured Work

Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

Wellington, Texas

When you enter Wellington, Texas, one of the first things you see is a large billboard that says: Welcome to Wellington: Great Past, Bright Future.

Knoxville: Summer of 1995

Here's an audio homage on three levels: first, to James Agee's poetic memoir of the sounds and smells of Knoxville, Tennessee in the summer of 1915, shortly before his father died; secondly, to Samuel Barber's 1947 orchestral setting of Agee's text for the soprano Eleanor Steber; and finally to the modern city of Knoxville.

Mucho Corazon

Mucho Corazon tells the story of Leon Perlee, who builds and restores antique street organs in Holland's oldest surviving street organ business, and Milades Sosa, who works at a Cuban organ factory.


Tens of thousands of inmates in American prisons live in total isolation. They don't see anyone. They don't talk to anyone. They are completely alone, sometimes for years, in a cell the size of a small bathroom.

Big House / Disclosure

Big House/Disclosure is a multimedia project exploring the legacy of slavery, the genesis of house music, and Chicago's role as the first U.S. city to adopt a Slavery-Era Disclosure Ordinance (which requires companies doing business with the city to reveal if they profited from slavery in the past).

We're Here to Work!

This documentary, part of a series called America's Women: A Legacy of Change, examines how women's lives have changed since they won the vote in 1920s, focusing on the period from World War II through the 1950s.

The Change in Farming

This story brings together a young Toronto composer, Adam Goddard, whose passion is music, and his 90-year-old grandfather, Henry Haws, whose passion is farming.

The How Are You Doing Project

The How Are You Doing Project is an interactive audio experiment that invites anyone and everyone to call an anonymous hotline and respond to the most frequently posed question of them all.

The Modern Woodsman

Filmmaker Adam Clitheroe playfully puts forth an audio portrait of a traditional woodsman . . . equipped with a cell phone.

Basketball Diary

Katie Davis takes along her microphone when she is drafted to "coach" a high school basketball team in her neighborhood, allowing us to listen in as she stumbles through the season.

Nina Black

Imagine being so hyperactive and distractible that you can barely keep track of where you are, who you're talking to, and what you're talking about.

The Memory Palace: These Words Forever

In this episode of The Memory Palace, Guglielmo Marconi, the Father of Radio, dreams of a super-radio that would allow him to hear every sound ever made. Melancholy ensues.

When the Dog Was Just the Dog

When her husband brings two puppies home, producer Lea Redfern becomes completely immersed in the world of canines. Now dog culture pervades her every waking moment, from commanding her social life to steering her personal politics.


In this short radio play, the consequences of living life in a tinderbox are revealed through a series of scenes taking place within their various rooms.

Electronic Samples Cut-Up

A few years ago, Mark Vernon bought a pile of old reel-to-reel audio tapes at a boot sale (think yard sale, but in the trunks of cars) near his hometown of Derby, England.

City X

The shopping mall is a cultural and commercial phenomenon in America that most can relate to in some way or another.

One-Minute Vacations

The world makes its own music, but we rarely listen with fresh ears says Aaron Ximm, sound artist, field recordist and founder of quietamerican.org.


A deaf-mute, lovelorn waitress has written a friend of her fractured heart. It's a garbled world in which Ruby spins between love, lust, and a bus ticket to California.

Mad About Magpies

Many people look to the natural world for clues about living a more harmonious life. For example, we aspire to traits we associate with certain animals: the wisdom of the owl, the noble bearing of the bald eagle, or the grace of the swan.

Object Piece

Based on a short story by Drury Pifer, Object Piece is the story of a man digging his own grave after he loses his wife to a friend.