Featured Work
Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

Meat Factory Ear Worms
You know how sometimes you just can't get a song out of your head? Radio producer Richie Beirne can sympathize.
- 2008
- 13:47
- Richie Beirne

Weird Little Plan
A revenge plot goes awry when a woman ropes in her estranged best friend.
- 2008
- 03:16
- Hillary Frank

Re:sound #83 The Going Up Show
This hour: climbing, flying and facing your fears.
- 2008
- 58:29
- Roz Bluett
- Arielle Lasky
- Sarah Boothroyd
- Roman Mars

Married to the Livestock: The End of a Farmer's Life (INC)
A touching, sound-rich excerpt from a German feature that explores the shifting realities and complicated relationships on the small family farm where producer Julia Schafer was raised.
- 2008
- 02:36
- Julia Schafer

Sugartime (INC)
In the beginning of January 2008, the Belgian-Ghanaian Sugar Jackson defended his European welterweight world title.
- 2008
- 08:17
- Wim Vangrootloon

Chosen People
At least forty thousand African Americans are practicing Jews. They call themselves Hebrew Israelites and their style of worship inspires a variety of reactions: enthusiasm, curiosity, and sometimes even outright hostility.
- 2008
- 13:44
- Eric Molinsky

An up-and-coming executive and his car have a very bad day.
- 2008
- 02:25
- Dave Urlakis
- Michael Slaboch

On the flight back from her honeymoon, Mary Beth loses her luggage and thinks it's a sign that her marriage might be a mistake.
- 2008
- 03:16
- Sue Mell

Debt Collector
A sci-fi melodrama about the abusive relationship between debt collector and collectee.
- 2008
- 03:39
- Roman Mars

Take Me Out
This audio art lament asks the question, "What happens when false care and concern land on the ears of someone truly in need?"
- 2008
- 02:37
- Carma Jolly
The Aftermath, Inc., headquarters is nestled in a strip of ordinary office buildings in the Chicago suburbs, but there's nothing bland about the service the company provides.
- 2008
- 17:23
- Laura Kwerel
- Nick van der Kolk

Poetry Off the Shelf
Award-winning producer Curtis Fox has covered arts and culture for many years, first for public radio, and more recently as a full-time podcaster.
- 2008
- 10:40
- Curtis Fox

Wellington, Texas
When you enter Wellington, Texas, one of the first things you see is a large billboard that says: Welcome to Wellington: Great Past, Bright Future.
- 2008
- 35:27
- Katherine Wells

A Square Meal, Regardless
When Cedric Chambers and John Gallagher met by chance 45 years ago, neither imagined that they'd be caring for each other into old age.
- 2008
- 07:07
- Jen Nathan Orris
Thinness and Salvation
The American "obesity epidemic" has been all over the news -– from stories about the viability of the Atkins diet to tabloid profiles of 100-pound toddlers.
- 2008
- 28:41
- Sarah Yahm

The View From Here
A patient, blinded in an accident, wakes to another day of darkness. Resolved to sidestep the persistent murk of her obscured vision, she turns instead to the world of her imagination and memory, where the everyday patterns of human routine take on a new significance.
- 2008
- 14:20
- Melanie Wilson

Nuevo South
Siler City, North Carolina, used to be a typical small southern town: lots of families had roots going back a century or two and its citizens were proud of the town's close-knit culture and neighborly feel.
- 2008
- 30:12
- John Biewen
- Tennessee Watson

My T-Shirt Says It All
The T-shirt is a staple of the American wardrobe, worn by pretty much everyone at one time or another. It's a common denominator in a culture marked by differences. But while it's cheap and easy to make, the humble T-shirt shouldn't be underestimated.
- 2008
- 29:00
- Jacob Fenston

Like Blackpool Went Through Rock
In the late 1950s, folk musicians Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger and BBC radio producer Charles Parker joined forces on a radio endeavor unlike anything the BBC (or the world, for that matter) had heard before.
- 2008
- 56:35
- Sara Parker

Ice Cream Man
Jonathan Goldstein's got a knack for exploring life's great (and simple) mysteries via the telephone.
- 2008
- 08:44
- Jonathan Goldstein

Re:sound #100: The Cambodia Show
This hour: sounds and stories from Cambodia.
- 2008
- 59:30
- Virginia Madsen
- Aaron Ximm
- Delaney Hall