Featured Work

Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

Sweepstakes Winner

Joe Frank, the original radio maverick, is known for leaving listeners more than a bit uncomfortable.


On the flight back from her honeymoon, Mary Beth loses her luggage and thinks it's a sign that her marriage might be a mistake.

Take Me Out

This audio art lament asks the question, "What happens when false care and concern land on the ears of someone truly in need?"

One-Minute Vacations

The world makes its own music, but we rarely listen with fresh ears says Aaron Ximm, sound artist, field recordist and founder of quietamerican.org.


A deaf-mute, lovelorn waitress has written a friend of her fractured heart. It's a garbled world in which Ruby spins between love, lust, and a bus ticket to California.

Embroidery Felon

Ray Matterson spent the first year of his seven and a half-year jail term feeling angry at the world. Then he found a kind of redemption -- in a pair of socks.

The Modern Woodsman

Filmmaker Adam Clitheroe playfully puts forth an audio portrait of a traditional woodsman . . . equipped with a cell phone.

A Sense of Place

Filmmaker Tony Hill takes his blind friend to a mystery location, where she discovers her whereabouts solely through her sense of touch.

A Drinking Song

Could The Star Spangled Banner be recast as a drinking song? Holger Mohaupt suggests that in this family, it could.

Waiting . . . for Love

This is a playful exploration of Nicholas Longstaff's first forays into the world of relationships, documenting the semantics of falling in and out of love.

Soldiers React to Prison Abuse

When Youth Radio reporters in Oakland, CA, spoke with their friends returning home from Iraq, they realized that the public wasn't hearing the perspectives of these young soldiers.

Return to Oakland

When Youth Radio reporters in Oakland, CA, spoke with their friends returning home from Iraq, they realized that the public wasn't hearing the perspectives of these young soldiers.

When Do You Feel Feminine?

After a teenager was killed near San Francisco for having a different biological gender from the one she expressed, some local middle-schoolers wanted to know why. What is gender, anyway?

Seratonin Syndrome

Ken Nordine wonders if the warning pamphlets included with many powerful prescriptions may cause some of us to suffer mild paranoia.

Electronic Samples Cut-Up

A few years ago, Mark Vernon bought a pile of old reel-to-reel audio tapes at a boot sale (think yard sale, but in the trunks of cars) near his hometown of Derby, England.

Back to School in a Garbage Can

A collage of love notes, tardy slips, and other high school detritus collected from high school garbage cans. Produced by Geraldo Hernandez and Giancarlo Hernandez for Curie Youth Radio.

Mr. Right

Searching for your ideal partner can be exhausting, even with the help of personal ads.

The Happiness Project: Mrs. Morris

Musician Charles Spearin lives with his family in a lively neighborhood in downtown Toronto. A year ago, Charles decided to invite neighbors and friends over to conduct interviews loosely based around the topic of happiness.

The Memory Palace: Lost Pigeons

In this episode of The Memory Palace, the passenger pigeon dwindles from five-billion strong in the first quarter of the 19th Century down to one lonely widow in the Cincinnati Zoo in less than a hundred years.

The Memory Palace: These Words Forever

In this episode of The Memory Palace, Guglielmo Marconi, the Father of Radio, dreams of a super-radio that would allow him to hear every sound ever made. Melancholy ensues.