Eddie Hustleby

Eddie Hustleby (he/him) is a writer, filmmaker, and artist programs manager based in Los Angeles. Between January of 2023 and August 2024, he was the Competition & Community Programs Manager at Third Coast.

Eddie's most recent work includes producing the short documentary Arecibo Wants Its Telescope Back (DOC NYC 2022) and serving as the Awards Competition Coordinator for three seasons of the IDA Documentary Awards. During his time at IDA, he built an entirely new database for Awards submissions and developed outreach plans with his department to diversify the submissions received and create truly global panels of jurors. Before IDA, he served as an assistant and coordinator for various film productions, conferences, and special exhibitions. He is eager to bring the lessons he has learned in his career to his new role as at Third Coast. In his free time, Eddie writes screenplays, creates environmental documentaries and practices juggling (and other circus acts).

He can be reached at ehustleby@thirdcoastfestival.org