Merk Nguyen
Merk Nguyen (@UltraRadUberFad) co-hosts and produces YR Media’s Adult ISH , a show for almost-adults figuring out their issues (and is a new addition to the Radiotopia family!) Merk is a co-facilitator of the 2019 Audio Educators Meetup with Veralyn Williams, where they will discuss kickass practices for becoming a mentor in audio.
She is a left-landed, second-generation Vietnamese American who loves puns and cats that she’s furry allergic to. Merk was introduced to audio in 2014 by KUOW’s RadioActive Youth Media, a program she completed and later mentored for. She’s worked as a public radio reporter, filed newscasts for NPR, and lived in NYC as an independent podcast producer.
#ThirdCoast19 attendees: check out the Thursday Meetups Interest Form, here!